
Margo Behavior IncServices


Behavior Analysis Services

Autism and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) are one of the most common mental disorders affecting children in the United States.
Symptoms include:

  • Lack of attention (not being able to maintain focus, does not pay attention easily)
  • Hyperactivity (excess movement that does not adapt to the environment, does not stay still)
  • Impulsivity (hasty acts that occur in the moment with physical or verbal attacks).
  • They often seem distant or disconnected from loved ones (for example, parents and siblings).

 According to the latest reports from the American Academy of Psychiatry, Behavioral Therapies or ABA (applied behavior analysis) have been shown to extraordinarily help in the recovery and modification of inappropriate behaviors and represent one of the best treatments accepted worldwide by all Medical specialists who are dedicated to the Mental Health of children and adolescents with these conditions.
Receiving a diagnosis of Autism or another condition for your child: ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder), Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other Syndromes can leave any parent worried and heartbroken. There appear to be many treatments available, from aggressive dietary restrictions to music therapy. It's hard to know what will help your child and what will be a waste of time. But currently the most widely accepted evidence-based therapy is Applied Behavior Analysis, better known as ABA.

Home Therapies

Home Therapies

Our Registered Behavioral Therapists (RBT) will visit your home to implement the treatment plan that has been carefully designed and tailored by our Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), with the goal of meeting your child's specific goals and requirements.

Therapies at School

Therapies at School

We offer the possibility of providing our services in school environments, which allows the child to interact with their peers and develop meaningful relationships while improving their social and communication skills.

Parent training

Parent training

We know that significant positive change only occurs when parents and families are involved in the treatment plan. For this reason, our team offers Parent Training sessions.

Parent Support

Parent Support

We will be at your side throughout the entire process. We understand how challenging this journey can be for parents. Therefore, our team will always be willing to answer any questions or concerns parents may have. We will work closely with school staff and all other professionals involved in the child's care, as well as assist in the development of Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) and much more.